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Floor Laying & Refinishing Tips for Renovating Your Foyer

When it comes to remodelling your foyer, you want an entryway that makes a strong first impression. Yet one of the most overlooked rooms in your house is the foyer, despite it being the first thing you see when you get home and your visitors see when they come calling. So to help create a welcoming feeling that sets the tone for the rest of your home, make sure your foyer is up for the task!

As professionals of floor laying and refinishing, we’ve compiled some helpful floor laying and refinishing hints to help you with your entryway renovation.

The Importance of Your Foyer

Your foyer is the gateway to your house; it’s where you welcome guests into your home, so if you’re out to make a good first impression, then don’t undersell the importance of a renovated entryway. 

You can create a welcoming foyer by:

  • Having the Right Flooring: You want your guests to be wowed by the whole package of your foyer, which starts with having the right flooring. Since entryways get a lot of foot traffic and moisture, it’s essential you choose not only durable but moisture-resistant — or waterproof — flooring. Some durable and water-resistant options are stone, ceramic tiles or certain laminate floorings.

    You can use solid hardwood, but due to the moisture foyer floors come into contact with you will need protective rugs or mats, or else you’ll have to refinish it more frequently, which means it won’t be as cost effective.  If you insist on hardwood, engineered hardwood is a more water-friendly option. 

Lastly, if you need some flooring inspiration, consulting floor laying and refinishing professionals to help you find the best flooring for your entryway.

  • Tip: For extra character, you don’t need to use the same flooring in your hallway; instead, why not define the space with a different flooring material, like tile in the foyer and hardwood in the hallway. 

  • Offer Seating: Having seating is not only practical, but it also signals your guests to come in and take their shoes off and stay for a while.
  • Picking the Right Wall Colour: You want your entryway to be warm and inviting, so be sure to choose a colour that encourages people to come in and enjoy their stay. We’ve been doing floor laying and refinishing for decades and take it from us: when it comes to aesthetics, your wall can be an extension of your floor.
  • Accent Wall: Creating an accent wall ties your flooring, wall colour, and accessories and helps showcase your family’s personality. Accent walls are a great way to help set the tone of not only your foyer but your whole home. They can be painted or covered in your favourite wood, stone or tile.
  • Lighting: Having excellent lighting can help highlight focal points in your foyer. Not to mention, you can add some flare with a stylish light fixture.

  • Storage: Regardless of how big your entryway is, you want to have plenty of storage options — hooks, closet, key holder — so you and your guests have a place to put your outerwear.
  • Focal Point: To help make your foyer memorable, you want something eye-catching, like an intriguing tile mosaic on the floor or a statement piece of wall art, as this can help add depth to the space.

Floor Laying & Refinishing: Renovating your Entryway

Your home is a place for you to unwind and relax, but it’s also an excellent place for you to entertain friends or family. Like a good handshake, your entryway tells you a lot about its occupants; so, set the tone and welcome your visitors with a functional and personalized foyer! 

If you need floor inspiration, then give us a call today as we offer free consultations, and we’re happy to help you fully optimize your entryway!






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